Building Your Self-Confidence


Building Your Self-Confidence

It is the new year, and we are excited that it has arrived. It may be just another day for some; it’s time to restart life for others.

In today’s blog, we are going to discuss self-confidence. Self-confidence can be challenging to develop, but it is crucial to help you achieve your goals and feel better about yourself. This is a great time to start working on our inner selves to be the best version of ourselves daily.

Here are some tips for building self-confidence:

  1. Set realistic goals for yourself and strive to achieve them. Accomplishing tasks, no matter how small, can boost your self-confidence and inner peace.

  2. Practicing self-care is important when caring about your physical and emotional needs. Self-care can help you feel better about yourself.

  3. Learn from your mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, but it's essential to learn from them and not dwell on them.


In this week’s What’s Good Podcast episode, we sit down with Janelle Lynnae. She focuses on helping women grow their self-confidence. She talks about focusing on the strengths you bring on to the table rather than your inexperience, becoming more aware of your thoughts & journalling them down, and taking criticism as a learning lesson to do better. 

If you are interested, Janelle is hosting a Confident Life Academy course with a discount of $150 OFF!! Click this link to learn more about the system and the excellent tips it has to offer.

Remember, be patient with yourself as you continue to grow and prosper throughout the new year because you will make mistakes. Keep working on yourself as you build your self-confidence.


“Confidence is all about self-trust.”

- Janelle Lynnae